Monday, February 22, 2016

AVTF 1 Matching Action and Continuity

Please make sure you have this powerpoint in your notes for the next class. We will be discussing shot coverage and how we can use matching action to shoot a scene.

Matching Action and Continuity

Here is a great article on continuity and is worth a read. It talks about the different kinds of continuity issues we face.

Here is a link to the rubric for the project.
Matching Action Project Rubric

Here are some video examples of the project:

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Adobe Premiere Guides

Please put these on your flash drive for reference. I have included several handouts. All of these will be available during the edit process in your edit bays. I have also included a tutorial video to get you familiar with the interface of Premiere Pro. You also have to short screencasts that will help you start a project as well as import video.

Set up a project screencast

Importing Video Screencast

Exporting Final Video Screencast

Start Up Guide


Importing Audio

Touring the Interface

Transitioning to Adobe Workflow

Premiere Pro Tutorial Video